About Me: Fun Facts from the Skeins and Steins Household
- I currently live in Chicago, in a historical 1920's Edgewater studio. My favorite part is the two walk-in closets and full kitchen.
- I have a 12 year old Wheaton Terrier named Morgana, and two rescue cats, Haruki Murakami Jr and All Ball. It's a hopping household.
- I like dogs more than I like most people.
- I've been knitting since age 6. I learned at the Chicago Waldorf School, where I now work full time.
- I learned to brew beer after my then-boyfriend spent a year in Japan and became infatuated with imported microbrews. Going to school in Michigan meant we were surrounded by amazing breweries, and I have since gone to the Michigan Beer Festival every eyar.
- I received my first spinning wheel at age 12. It wasn't until age 22 I became infatuated with recycling wool and spinning plarn.
- I love my bike and am currently signed up for the Ride for Aids Chicago this summer.
- I graduated with a degree in English Literature from Kalamazoo College. Among other things I am a feminist,a lover of English Literature, an entrepreneur, and very bossy.
While I continue to search for that balance between career goals (go back to school? Work two jobs? Who knows?!) and life (boyfriend? friends? dogs? beer?) I knit and brew beer constantly. At any given time there are 3 projects on my knitting needles and a batch of beer on my stove. When my household reached Maximum Yarn Capacity I opened my etsy store Skeins and Steins which features recycled yarns and eco-friendly knitting supplies and accessories.
Contact Me
If you are a fellow foodie/beer snob/fiber artist/liberal arts student/animal lover, or just want to say hi, I always love hearing from people.
email me at skeinsandsteins@gmail.com
find me on facebook here and become a fan for updates!
i'm skeinsandsteins on etsy
friend me on ravelry here
or follow me on twitter as SkeinsandSteins